Hi there. Happy Monday, and welcome back Ali!!!! We can't wait to hear about your trip tomorrow at CC Meeting. Evan...get well soon buddy! We miss you in class!!!
Today, we started the day right off the bat with being thankful. I did a fun thankful game with the kiddos. Step 1: Write down 5 things you are thankful for and couldn't imagine living without. Write them in order of importance, so #1 is the thing that you absolutely cannot live without! Step 2: Transfer that to you handprint. Write #1 on your thumb and then the rest of the them working towards the pinky. So pinky is #5 on your list. Step 3: Cut out the hand. Step 4: One at a time, starting with the pinky, I had the kids snip off the turkey's (handprint) feathers. After each one, I asked how it would feel if they didn't have that item in their life anymore. As we went along, and got closer to the thumb, kids didn't want to cut anymore. They found themselves cutting out parents, teachers, education, friends, siblings, pets, God, Jesus, and yes...video games. When we finally came to the thumb, I said to them that this is it. This should be the number one thing that they can't live without. I was so proud of every single kid at the end. They all had meaningful PEOPLE at the end. No one had THINGS that could be thrown away or replaced. We then hung that leftover turkey on the poster you see above. I also shared with them about how I lost my little sister over a year ago and she was my best friend. I didn't get to say goodbye to her or tell her I loved her one last time, and neither did her 12 year old son. I couldn't imagine my life without her (cutting her off my handprint). But, it happens. That is where Rusty's message came in today. He loves Thanksgiving because it is a holiday about PEOPLE and not THINGS. It is a time to just sit and really connect to those you love. He shouted out that he misses his mom, just as I miss my sister. We can always buy more STUFF, but people are priceless. I encouraged them to share with you their handful of specials tonight and the one they ended up with. Maybe you could share with them what your thumb would be and why. If you do, write THUMB in the planner for $50 tomorrow. Powerful!!! I am so grateful that I work with such awesome kids!! Thank you so much for sharing them with me!
I printed grades out today. I just wanted kids to know where they were at in the books. Please ask them to share them with you tonight. If you have concerns please call. They are doing great overall.
Tomorrow is a half day. Please make sure your child knows where they are going and with whom tomorrow BEFORE they arrive at school. Students are dismissed at noon.
There is no school Wed-Friday. We will see everyone back on Monday, which means I will not blog again until Sunday. Wowzers...I miss it already!
Thanks for all the surprise orders. I will text you when the surprises arrive in a few weeks.
Have a wonderful night and have a blessed Thanksgiving. Enjoy every minute and every last drop of gravy!!!!