Sunday, November 25, 2012

Welcome Back!!!!

Hi there. Well, when you hunt and kill 10 deer on the family ranch in order to fill everyone's tags you spend the ENTIRE day cutting them up! Wowzers!!! Sorry that this is so late, but literally have been wrapping meat since 10 this morning!

This week we will be back to normal. The only real changes will be a new unit is Science...Earth and Animals...A Green Future! I am pretty excited about it and spent the majority of the break finding some fun stories and activities to go along with it. In math we will move to geometry. We took a large review test before the break and I am so proud of how well most of the students did. I will also be sending home a new computer program called tomorrow with all kids. I would love it if they could do this as part of their nightly homework. It only takes about 5-7 minutes for them to do a session. It is a multiplication program and it helps kids know their math facts quickly. They even get to race the teacher, Mr. C! I had my Emma try it out this weekend and she enjoyed the challenge! More on that tomorrow.

Last week, Ali came back from his trip to Canada. On his way he and his mom got to travel through the NE states that we just finished studying! How fantastically cool. As you can see, he got to see many of the same sites that we saw on our tour through our text book, including this lighthouse in Maine. He did a great job sharing all his photos with us! Thanks Ali!!!!

Well, that is about it. I hope you had an amazing Turkey Day and all spent some time bonding. Cya tomorrow morning!!! Dress warm. :0)