Wednesday, November 14, 2012

You Are What You Eat, and We Think It Too???

Hi there.

Today in CC meeting, we talked about the idiom, You are what you eat. We watched a video about how we really want to eat all the yummy food that has salt and sugar in it, but after we eat it we can feel jittery or sluggish. We talked about the word moderation, and how we can have those foods once in awhile, but not all the time. I then had the kiddos draw themselves as a food that they ate recently that was high in sugar or salt. As you can see, they are pretty funny. Wouldn't it be weird if we really did look like what we eat? Rusty talked to us that about a different version of the think what you eat. Eating food high in sugar and salt can effect how we think and concentrate. So, watch those snacks and lunches. Every once in awhile is fun, but the rest of the time we need to be watching those two ingredients. Great advise, even for me, Rusty! Ask your child which food they drew and why. If they can tell you, write FOOD in the planner for $20 tomorrow.

In music, the kiddos are busily getting ready for their Christmas program. It will be on the 19th of December. There will be a morning and afternoon show. Please plan ahead so you can attend. They are working so hard to get their songs memorized and ready for you. Friday, kids that want to, can try out for solo speaking and singing parts. :0)

Have a terrific night!