Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Dead or Alive?????

Hello there. I am hoping all of your kiddos got home alive today. (How is that for an opening sentence???) Yikes. Most of the kids died today while trying to survive living in the Jamestown Colony in Virginia. It was one of our stops in our SE tour for social studies. Kids played a board game that challenged the kids to survive a day by finding food or shelter or dying from one of the most common deaths during this time, like malaria. It was extremely difficult to survive in this colony back in the 1600s and many colonists died from starvation, malaria, or lack of shelter. Ask your child how they did. If they tell you about it and exactly what happened write the word JAMESTOWN in the planner for $20 tomorrow.

We have been doing rotations in math. Today, kids said that they love this new style. They spend 15 minutes in each rotation. One of the rotations is me. Here, we do our lesson. You may not think I can get a lesson taught in 15 minutes, but boy howdy I can!!! Not only that, but because there are less kids to teacher ratio, they all get more of my attention, and they are getting me on their level. I am able to challenge those that need to be pushed beyond the 4th grade limits, and I am able to really focus in on the key areas for those that need more time to comprehend math. They stay on task and they are highly engaged 100% of the time. The other two sessions are computer sessions. One is success maker and one is xtramath/blog multiplication games. They are doing great!

The surprises have arrived!!!! Now to get them home. I will be sending a letter home this week, for you to decide method of delivery to you. I don't want to just give them to kids, as it will ruin the surprise. Please be watching for letter marked parents only and return it ASAP. Again, this will not be coming home until later this week. Thanks.

Have a wonderful night!