Sunday, March 10, 2013
Back To Normal Week!
Hi there. Happy Sunday. My goodness it was gorgeous out today. The kids and I went for a 3 mile walk out in the hills. We even climbed a gigantic one. I had forgotten how good it had felt to get to the top of a hill. It felt great being out in nature again!
The pictures above show some things we did last week. We did a fun activity with our buddy class. Seeing how St. Patty's Day is coming, we did a little graphing and comparing and contrasting with some Lucky Charms. The kids had a great time. Their favorite part of course was the eating of the cereal at the end. :0) Kids will be kids!
Brayden was our star of the week. He shared his hockey puck. He is sure into hockey! I'll have to catch one of his games one of these days!
For math, we played BINGO galore. We played time, money, and multiplication BINGO. Austin was a great help! He was our caller, and did a great job. It was a great way to just sit and enjoy our well deserved pop after finishing up our MONT CAS testing. Make up testing will be on Monday.
You might be wondering what the wooden statue is all about. Well, Collin wanted me to take a picture of it and put it on the blog. He made it for his mom during his freetime after we finished testing. sweet is that!
I also brought ice cream treats for fun friday and we watched the movie Pocahontus. It was rated G, so no worries there. It is one of my favorite movies and depicts exactly what we have been studying in SS and MT History all year long. English settlers and American Indians living in the same place and how they interacted, which wasn't always friendly.
Permission slips came home Friday for the Dino Lab field trip. On the bottom, it tells you if your child has bought in already or not with their fake money. They still have time to buy in if they haven't yet. I am hoping everyone can go this time. Let's go Team Erickson! Permission slips are due tomorrow. Please also send in the $5 admission money. Thanks!
On the slip, it also talked about the Funky Junk project due next Thursday! See Friday's post fro details and photo ideas. Only recycled products may be used for this project. I can't wait to see what they come up with on Thursday. Please do NOT bring them in early. I want them to be a surprise for everyone! IF your child got a jump on this project this weekend or even possibly finished it, please write TRAP in the planner for $20.
We will be doing some other fun St. Patrick's Day activities throughout the week. I will be gone Friday afternoon, so we will do our main activities on Thursday. LOVE the Irish holidays!
Next week, we will be back on schedule. We will return to all usual classes and assignments. I will post the spelling words tomorrow. The test will be on Friday. We will be venturing into the trapping section of MT History. In math, we will be finding averages, fractions into decimals and percents, and converting measurements. In science, we will be discovering how Earth has floating plates that collide, break, and scrape. We will also be doing some labs to see this in action. In Lead 21, we will be reviewing Main Idea and Details, sequencing, and writing compare and contrast paragraphs. We will also welcome back Mrs. Grewell (my future mother in law) for a fun activity dealing with the Trail of Tears. Love that she is a retired teacher that still loves spending time teaching! We will continue to dissect sentences in language class during our DOL time. Finally, we will finally see who took the retirement money in our Bernie mystery book. Yay!!!
Well, I believe that about sums it up. Have a great Sunday!