Hi there. I hope your weekend went well. What beautiful weather we had both days! Great time for calving out here!
Testing is coming up next week. VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!! We will be testing the following all week THIS week.
Monday: Science-Morning
Tuesday: Reading-Morning, Math-Afternoon
Wednesday: Reading-Morning, Math-Afternoon
Thursday: Reading-Morning, Math-Afternoon
Friday: Science-Morning
KIDS MUST BE HERE ALL WEEK!!!!!!!!! Make-up testing is a royal pain, not a natural testing environment, and kids miss the regular instruction when they are pulled for over an hour to make up tests. If you have appointments scheduled during the above times, please reschedule them. Normally, we test MONT Cas for three weeks. We all agreed to condense it into one and be done. Many schools have found this to work the best. Kids are fresh and they know that it is one week and over, rather than three. I will be sent a note home from Mr. English Friday about testing do's and don'ts. Here is the basic run down:
1. Kids need a good night's sleep. (No homework next week)(4th graders should be in bed and asleep by 9:00)
2. Eat a good breakfast that contains protein. (Eggs, peanut butter, and meat)
3. Be here every single day ($100 reward each day we have perfect attendance.)
4. Be on time daily. (If test has started, kids will have to stay in office until it is over)
5. Stay home if really, really sick. (Once a child starts a test, they may not leave and start again)(It is better to stay home and make it up)(Fever or Throwing up) Also avoid picking kids up early. They may be in the middle of a test. Again, if they leave, everything left undone is marked against them. They may not go back and finish.
6. Bring a healthy snack each day. (Again, hardboiled eggs, nuts, peanut butter on a spoon, jerky, beef sticks)
7. Kids may chew healthy, regular stick sized gum. Please bring a pack to school on Monday that will last the entire week. (Optional)(Loud chewing, blowing bubbles, or smacking of gum will be a loss of gum)
8. MOST IMPORTANT: Send kids out the door in a good and positive mood. Tell them you love them, give them extra hugs, encourage them to do their very best, and tell them how proud of them you are. (You know, like you do every day! :0))
We will start this Monday (tomorrow) with our science sessions. We are hoping to tackle two of them. We will start first thing in the morning and test until lunch. We will take breaks, so please send in those protein snacks and water bottles. Gum too!
Last week we ended with Andrew being our star of the week. He has a thing for rocks, and had some cool ones to share! We also played a fun game that required some teamwork to shop at "Walmart". Ask your child about that one.
We also wrapped up our Lewis and Clark unit by playing some games on the computer. Kids had to decide what to pack and then had to take the journey. They had to make some decisions as they went and see if they made it till the end. Pretty fun.
We will continue to review in math and start our measurement unit. Fractions have been tested out. See your child's online grades for those scores. Most have them, but some need to work a little bit more on changing to a common denominator to add, subtract, and/or compare fractions. We will continue to practice.
There will be NO spelling this week due to testing. There will also be NO homework (besides getting a good night's sleep) this week.
Well, that about sums it up. Have a great, great weekend, and I hope to see ALL students tomorrow on time. Thanks.