Hi. Today, Rusty told us to trust our guts. We talked about what that meant and reviewed all his other advise for us while testing. The kids took it to heart and shined, shined, shined on their last test sessions in both reading and math. AND we are done with those. Tomorrow, we have our last Science Session. I told the kiddos that we will celebrate in the afternoon. They may bring a pop to drink after lunch. I will provide a treat. Please make sure they only bring in a regular can or small bottle. No super sizes!!! It does NOT have to be pop either. IF you forget or don't have time to get one, kids may bring in two quarters and I will get one out of the machine here. NO dollar bills though! I can't make change.
Please talk to your child about our debate today in SS. Ask them what side they were on, and why. If they can tell you, write MEXICO in the planner for $20 tomorrow.
That is all for the day. Thanks!