Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Is Your Child A Future 5th Grader????
Day two is done. For the most part, kids did awesome! They again took their time, read carefully, and applied 4th grade effort. Some, however, were done in less than 20 minutes and applied minimal effort. That was sad to watch. Especially, since by law I can't encourage them to go back and do more or a better job. Oh well, choices...consequences.
CC Meeting was a hoot today. I had each kid draw three post it notes and then graph them on a chart. 1. What time did you go to bed last night? YIKES!!! You can see that we had more negative post its on this one than positive. Homework last night was to be in bed and asleep by 9. Those that had past 9 had to pay up $50 for homework not done. I also reminded them that I am not giving homework this week because they are to be in bed early. I do appreciate their honesty though! Well done. They asked for another chance tonight. I am expecting better results. Do me a favor, at 9:00 please go in and check on your child. If they are asleep and off in dreamland write DREAMING in the planner for $50 tomorrow. If not, write nothing please.
2. What did you eat for breakfast this morning? We had a TON of protein filled menus. Awesome!!! Eggs, peanut butter, cheese, and bacon/sausage! Perfect foods before a test! Fruit Loops, lost of fruit (natural sugars), coffee, and such just burn off quickly. Kids that ate these even said that they felt hungry before the 10:00 start time today. Great protein snacks today too! Let's stay clear of sugar snacks (at all times, not just testing). Poptarts, chips, and candy are not acceptable snacks, much less for testing. Bring on the hard boiled eggs, peanut butter spoons or apple dunks, and or nuts. Cheese sticks and yogurt rock too!
3. How are you feeling today about testing? We had quite the array of testing feelings. From anxious to elated! All feelings were valid and everyone had great reason to feel the way they did. As long as they knew that they were still going to do their best!!!!
Ask your child what they wrote on their three post it notes. IF they tell ya, write POST in the planner for another $50. I wonder what they will post tomorrow?????
We paid for our field trip to the Dino Dig today. Kids were required to buy into the trip for $500. I have seen some less than mature behavior lately (stomping feet, tantrums, negative talk, blaming of others, ripping of papers, not bringing back MT History notebooks). Those that have displayed these behaviors were asked to hold off on buying in. I will not take kids that do not act like a mature 4th grader out in public, even if they can buy in. I will watch them, and see if they can earn back their right to participate in the extras in a week or so. These kids are future 5th graders, and they need to act accordingly. My expectations have been clearly set from day one, and they have not changed since then. Those that simply couldn't buy in yet, have two more weeks to earn. Permission slips will come home next week. Remember, there is a $5 real money cost to attend this field trip as well. Please send that money in with the permission slips. Thanks.
Lastly, Brayden and family went to Mt. Rushmore while on a hockey trip last week. Thank you to her for sharing some fun pictures. We had just talked about this when we were studying South Dakota. Fun times!
Well, that about says it all. Enjoy your homework free night. Remind kids to bring their gym shoes and recorders tomorrow. Thanks for all you do!