Monday, March 4, 2013

Day One...Check!

Rusty told us today to just Relax, and Do Our Best On the Test and We did it! Two sessions of Science down and one to go. We have three reading and three math up next though. Tomorrow, we will start testing at 10:00 with Reading Session 1. We will then break for lunch and recess, and then we will come back and do Math Session 1. We will continue that pattern for Wed and the Thursday too. Friday, we will do the last session of Science, and make up testing. I was so proud of all students that took their time today, made pretty bubbles, and answered all questions asked on the test sessions. Very proud! Ask your child about their test. What grade would they give themselves on effort? Write what they say in the planner and earn $20 tomorrow. Even if they give themselves an A, ask them one thing they could do even more of tomorrow. (Slow down, read carefully, find answers in text, read all answer choices before selecting, use a highlighter, etc)

I soooooooooo appreciate those that were here today on time. It makes life in testing land so much easier. It is also better for the kids to test with their peers in their natural environment. That being said, I know that things come up and people are sick. Please stay home when those events happen and are contagious. We had many runny noses and coughs today (Including mine!) and that is perfectly fine. As long as we are fever and puke free, we should be at school. :0)

In math today, we did a giant review. The kids know their stuff, and they are ready to roll! All they need to do is their best on the test!

Homework tonight is to get a good night's sleep, pack a protein snack, and bring gum if they forgot today. Pretty easy!

Have a wonderful night!