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Hi there. Well, above you will find the fun video and picture of yesterday's fiasco. :0) Enjoy!
I am hoping that all of you got my text this morning about the volcanoes being delayed. We will erupt tomorrow instead at 2:15 outside on the playground. Please meet us there to watch! :0) The ones that came in today look mighty creative! The rest need to be brought in tomorrow morning. It is not too late to bring in those mento packs either. We have quite a few, but can always use more. Remember, it is only the mint kind and I pay $100 for each pack. Thanks!!!
Today in CC meeting, we talked about bullying in the classroom. I gave the kids a scenario that I have seen happen in our 4 walls. It was about a student that got an F on a spelling paper. Some other kids got a 100% and were bragging extensively. They then went over to see what this kid had gotten, and ended up grabbing his paper and announcing it to the class. Now, by definition we were unable to determine if this was repeated behavior over time or if this student asked them to stop, but we agreed that the behavior was inappropriate. In here, one of the helper jobs is to pass back graded papers. I have seen kids comment on grades in here, sometimes loud enough for other students to hear. So, as a class we decided the best thing to do from now on, was to just look at the name and place it flat down on their desk. We ended the meeting by reading some solutions that the student could have done. We then had to determine if they were positive or negative responses. Things that included threats, hands on, or anger went under negative. Things like saying how you feel, asking them not to do that again, and telling an adult were positive responses. It was a great lesson.
Mrs. Neese came in today for our weekly counseling session. Today, she talked to the kids about Spring cleaning...of themselves. This is the ripe ole age of the first stages of puberty. Kids are growing taller and taller these days. They are also experiencing mood changes and experiencing emotions for no apparent reason. This is all because of hormones. Mrs. Neese spoke in depth about the need to shower daily at this age, and not just stand in the shower and let water run over you. Actually, they need to soap up and scrub...especially their hair and pits! They can't skip showering anymore, and she explained to them that colognes and perfumes do NOT remove oder, they just cover it up temporarily. She talked about how it may be hard for others to focus when the person next to them has bad body odor. She also shared how to apply deodorant and that kids may want to buy an extra stick for their backpacks for after recess or gym class. People don't smell their own body odor. They get used to it. But, other people do (including me). I have noticed a few smelly pits lately. The weather is getting warmer and the classroom is getting warmer. Please help us make sure that all kids shower every single day and wear deodorant to class. Clean clothes (especially underwear and shirts) are also imperative. Great lesson that we can all win from!!!
I would like to close by reminding you to attend the Bitterroot Community meeting tomorrow night here at Bitterroot in the gym. Mr. English will share data about the upcoming future of Bitterroot School. It starts at 7:00. Please arrive early to get a good seat. Please keep kiddos at home. You will really want to focus in on this one. WOW!!! Remember, those that attend will earn their child $500. That is a whole field trip! I plan to be there, so come say hi! :0)
Have a great, great night!