Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How Are the Traps Coming? Due Thursday!

Hi there. It was a packed Tuesday!

We did a really fun Leprechaun project this morning. The kids had to fill in this phrase (practicing writing similes): Leprechauns are as _________ as a ______________ and as ______________ as a ___________________. If I, _________________, catch one I would _________________ and wish for a _________________. Have them tell you what they put in the blanks. If they can, write SIMILE in the planner for $20. Also, I forgot to do a code word yesterday, so if you saw the letter from Mr. English about the upcoming meeting please write LETTER in the planner for another $20.

We then transformed ourselves into leprechauns. These were hilarious. Wait until you see them. I will post pics tomorrow. They have all grown an orange beard!!!!! Say what???? Yep!

In reading, we did an amazing lesson with Mrs. Grewell today. She had the kids look at the picture above. They then had to study it in detail for three minutes. Then they had to tell Mrs. Grewell what they thought was happening and what in the picture was evidence for their thinking. The kids had some great, great thinking! In the end, we discussed that the picture was actually the Trail of Tears. We finished the lesson by reading a short story about this subject. It was great to see the kids so empathetic. A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Grewell for coming to share her past retired teaching knowledge! And to think, a few months from now I too will be a Mrs. Grewell! Proud to join that family for sure!

In Science, we got together with our long lost friends Mrs. Hankin's Class. We have missed them! We completed the first of two labs today dealing with plate tectonics. Today, we spent time putting the Earth back together as it looked millions of years ago as Pangea. It took the kids about 45 minutes to do this, and it was a challenge! This was perfect because as scientists you HAVE to be PATIENT!!! You also have to try, try, try and try again. They will see just how patient one has to be when they go on their field trip to the Dino Dig soon. Imagine putting together an entire dinosaur! Ask your child about this activity and how they did. If they can tell you, write the word PANGEA in the planner for another $20. We will do part two tomorrow...plate collisions, scraping, and splitting apart..oh my!

Year Book orders are still being accepted. If you lost your order form, please see the office for a new one. Kids LOVE getting these to sign at the end of the year.

Well, that about wraps up our day. Have a wonderful night!