Hi there.
We had a great day here in E4. I just love these kids.
This morning, in CC meeting, Rusty talked to us about how our lives are like a treasure map. In school, we gain one piece of the map at a time. I asked the kids to think about the treasure chest they will find once their map is complete. Each student then drew their own chest putting things in it that they wanted to find in their future. It had careers, pets, children, college degrees, sports equipment, medals, cars, toys, and people they love. It is fun to see what kids aspire to come true in ten or twenty years. I will display them in the hall at the end of a giant rainbow. In honor of St. Patrick's Day, I will title the wall...What is at the end of your rainbow? Stop by and see them. I will take and post pictures when they are complete and hung.
Please keep those Leprechaun traps constructing at home. They are due this Thursday. Remember, only recycled objects from home may be used. Kids will have to explain and demonstrate how the trap works. We have to keep those naughty leprechauns away!!!
The only other thing worth noting today is the notice that is coming home with your child. It is a note from Mr. English about the upcoming meeting for Bitterroot Families. This is EXTREMELY important. So important in fact, that I am rewarding kids that have parent attendance with $500!!!! That is a FREE field trip! Please, please, please mark your calendars to attend on March 20th. I went to this meeting the other day and was SHOCKED at what is happening at Bitterroot in the future. Bitterroot is the fastest growing school in the district according to the documents presented to us. Please come here about it yourself. Thanks!
Have a great night!