Monday, March 18, 2013
Oh My Goodness!!!! The Leprechauns were beyond naughty. Traps were hung from the ceiling, from the front board, even from the flagpole, turned over, and even demolished!!!! All the gold in the room was stolen, including the shiny pennies for our science experiment! NAUGHTY!!!!!!! Some kids were able to save their traps, but others decided to throw them away. I caught it all on tape, but will not get that up till tonight. I did post the note that was left for us though! Ask your kiddo about the rest. If they share, write NAUGHTY in the planner for $20 tomorrow.
Volcanoes are due tomorrow. Kids may bring them in tomorrow before school and place them on the tables in the hallway. We will erupt them at 2:15 tomorrow outside as long as it is not too cold, windy, or rainy. Can't wait to see them!!!!
In art, the kids are working on a project out of Australia. Pretty cool. Take a look above.
Well, gotta run. Have a great night!